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Me llega a lo mejor una llamada perdida o sms y al meterme en llamadas o mensajes para verlo y salirme me slgue saliendo el número 1 en la esquina del logo d la aplicación. Lo tengo todo actualizado teléfono, apps todo...
I might get a missed call or SMS and when I get in calls or messages to see it and get out I slipped out number 1 in the corner of the logo of the application. I have everything updated phone, apps all ...
I have two missed calls showing and one SMS been showing foe two weeks!
@Juanma1991, I answered the PM that you sent me.
@747400, keep an eye out in the Google Play store for an update for the Google Phone application.
For the Messaging application, another user in this thread mentioned that it was fixed when he updates the Messages application, but since not everyone will receive the app updates at the same time, wait for an update to be available > install it and see if it has been fixed or not.