New Xperia 5 can't receive texts


New Xperia 5 can't receive texts

I just got an Xperia 5, switched from a Galaxy S9. The phone totally works with everything other than receiving texts. I can call and send texts, but not receive. I have factory reset, network reset, updated MMS settings, tried a third party messaging app too. When putting the sim back in my old phone I can receive texts again. Any ideas what the issue is?


Hi @teajb, sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

Is it possible for you to try with a different SIM card in the device and see if you can receive text messages to that number? If the operator you have has a store nearby, you can also grab a new SIM card from there.

I know it sounds strange, but the message central number and so on is grabbed directly from the SIM card, so there is nothing you need to set up in the device, unless you have blocked the numbers that are trying to send the text messages, but you have probably tried receiving them from a couple of different people and it's not very likely that all numbers are blocked.

Let me know how it goes!