Video enhancer / creators mode

Video enhancer / creators mode

So in editing pictures creators mode is quite useful. 

Anyway I found out that watching Netflix movies with creators mode on or with video enhancer mode on - the video quality goes down especially with black areas. Lot of noise and pixels in black areas. But when I turn off creators mode and video enhancer the videos I watch looks much much better. Sony should fix this if they want to promote such functions... Especially with Netflix.


But it depends of movies. For example new Witcher looks horrible with creators mode on - in dark scenes. And still Netflix hdr isn't available in Xperia 1 or 5. Shane because Xperia xz2 and xz2 compact has HDR on Netflix and movies looks much better. I know because I still have xz2 and I can compare. On xz2 compact even when you minimalize netflix to a window you see totally changed colours on the phone - it's because Netflix HDR.

The reason for this is the fault of NETFLIX

Netflix supports 4K and HDR on my Sony XZ PREMIUM

But NETFLIX does not support the XPERIA 1 OR 5, same with Amazon prime in 4k mode.

The issue is with Netflix, im sure Sony have sent them countless emails askinf to support their phone, however Netflix so far it appears have refused to comply.

Hence why i cancelled my Netflix subscription.

Gilgamesh the first ONE and ONLY King