Xperia 5 is buggy, return it


Xperia 5 is buggy, return it

On the mobilephone provider side, all roaming settings are enabled. In the SIM settings all is enabled. But roaming calls dont work. In the Handy Service Menü, roaming is off! No chance to change!!! After a reboot, all start display settings will be deletet and reconfigured wit other icons - from their self The display will switch back to start screen during acrive writing.. And a few more. This handy is not usable!!! A googe field is new on the bottom. Not possible to delete. A new side wirh news is on the left start screen. also not able to delete. I dobr want it . Im loosing Rd 15.000eur today because its not possible to do roaming calls. Sony: pls give me a name of a person they can refund! And pls adopt the firmware of the Sony branded Google Phone.

"On the mobilephone provider side, all roaming settings are enabled. In the SIM settings all is enabled. But roaming calls dont work. In the Handy Service Menü, roaming is off! No chance to change!!! "

Did you check if roaming is enabled with your network provider? And where did you buy the phone? Buying a phone not meant for your region could also result in this problem

"A googe field is new on the bottom. Not possible to delete. A new side wirh news is on the left start screen. also not able to delete. I dobr want it "

This is Google's fault and not Sony's and if you don't want it, you can disable it from the setting. Both are in Home settings. 

Just because you are not smart enough to figure something out does not mean the phone is buggy. 



I'm sorry to say:

The roaming is active at the Provider. I Checked it bevor posting. Also I gave the SIM into the old ZX2 (and there it will work).

Ad Icon on Desktop:

It can't be a bug at Google if th Icons are re-arranged at a reboot!

This means, that all changes Google made have an direct effect at every rebvoot without any check of Sony? If this is rigtj, then pls change the brand from Sony to "Google Phone"

Take the sim out, and try a reboot with it out.

Sounds like it's your service provider, and nothing to do with sony.


I was answering your question about Google search field at the bottom and news feed at left swipe..

If you see an ad icon , it probably means you have a malicious app installed on your phone and you should double check the apps on your phone...

And roaming issue, it has appears it is more of a Network provider or SIM card issue