2015 Android TV - Blank Screen issue

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2015 Android TV - Blank Screen issue

Hi all


Im creating a breakaway thread for this particular issue -away from the general chatter thread. 


In a nutshell, Sony require more information from the community in order to diagnose and ultimately find a solution.



  1. What model TV does this occur on
  2. Does it happen on certain connected devices or just viewing tv (Freeview)
  3. If so, what devices (make/model) and how is it connected to the TV.
  4. What other devices do you have connected to the TV - HDMI or ?
  5. Have you identified a pattern for when this happens or is it seemingly random


I know some of you have answered this before, so appologies - the more people that can provide information, the quicker and more likely it can be resolved.


Thanks all.


Also downloaded the update; however no improvement to two fundamental issues:

1) Cannot switch off the TV using the remote - have to press and hold the off button for 10 seconds to force a power off and reboot, or power off at the wall socket.

2) Not able to use the remote to switch between sources - HDMI to Digital - again have to power off as above,


Only change is that the above faults are no longer random they happen every time I use the TV now.


Service support want to send out an engineer (LOL). I have asked them to take back the TV with a full refund. 2 weeks old and they want to repait it - what a joke! :anguished:


i would suggest one finaly try to do a factory reset.. i have seen most of the issues are gone.try your luck


Tried everything but still persists. Sony will be returned tomorrow and a Samsung will replace it on Friday. Probably the last Sony device I will every try after 30 years of good products they launch a half baked operating system which obviously was never tested fully in the field. Odd when they used to make decent PC's and make decent phones and tablets that they are not able to use that experience to make a robust operating system on a Smart TV.


I have a 55x8509 only a month old running through a htc 780 sound bar. Almost daily now when turned on from standby the tv will out put sound from both the connected sky box and Xbox but no image. 


The menu display  is fully accessible and ability to switc hhdmi but when selecting the hhdmi 4 slot that the sound bar is linked to I just get audio and a black screen. 


I have powered off and on each piece of equipment individually, first sky box  still black,then sound bar but still black, however powering the tv on and off resolves the issue completely. 


This is is a real disappointment in such an expensive piece of equipment. 


Before the update my blank screen issue were few and far between but since then it's becoming almost daily As above can access home screen but not hdmi4 so frustrating !! Hope they can sort it out. Sent from my iPad


Same here. Sony TV now all boxed up ready for collection. New Samsung installed with none of the c**p I have had to put up with from Sony for the last two weeks.

Yes the software update actually made things worse!!

Goodbye Sony - hello Samsung!



I see Sony is going to update the software AGAIN at the end of February 2016!!! Glad I returned the heap of do da - my new Samsung is working fine and actually switches on and off when it is supposed to - plus all other functionality works great. After championing Sony for 30 years they have just completely lost it.

He guys just send them back!



I just got my 8x just before Christmas and I've had the black screen of death but the green button trick didn't work and with the plugs behind a heavy TV stand I dreaded it but then I remembered in the handbook there is a panal on the back left side of the TV  which has got the basic controls so I reached behind and turned it off and on which seemed to cure it for now 😊😊



55x8509c as well. 


been following up each updates. but problem remains. blank screen with sound.  yourview crashes almost every day, and freeze the tv too when moving up and down on yourview list. 


also sometime, when turn off tv by clicking green button on the remote. picture goes off, but sound remains.  had to unplug the tv to turn it off. a bit crazy. 


it beyongs a joke now. very expensive tv, and very serious issue with software. 



Have you tried turning it off by the control on the back of the TV ? had the same problem black screen but still the sound tried everything but as i've said earlier pulling the heavy TV stand out of the way and bend down and turn off the plug but as I said in earlier post I remembered the back panel controls (Left side TV facing you) and it worked found the on/off button pressed it once the tv responded pressed a few seconds later and turned it on no problem and I didnt have to resort to factory reset .. simple untill they sort the problem with a software patch 😊😊