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Advanced Settings greyed out

Advanced Settings greyed out

I have a 50wf663 tv. I wish to turn off Motionflow, which i understand is in the advanced settings tab. However, this tab is greyed out. Is it meant to be greyed out on this model?




This is a Linux TV, not an Android one, so this query belongs under Other TVs, really, where someone might know more about it than us Android mavens.


But greyed out settings on a TV menu usually means that you were not set to watch a terrestrial TV programme when you opened the menu, so make sure you are.


If it is still greyed out, then you probably have some ‘package’ setting chosen, like Picture, Vivid, which presets a swathe of other settings, so try to get other settings in the menus back to default, normal, standard and so on, and see if the option ungreys.


After which, you can adjust it,


Though be aware that it may grey out again, or even reset away from what you set it to, if you re-establish any ‘package’ setting you had before.

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