KD43XD8305 - optimal display settings


KD43XD8305 - optimal display settings

is it the common consensus that all the display "features" that "enhance" the image should be turned off?


such as...

reality creation

noise reduction

live colour


film mode


i have a calibration image (from a sony link), but it says you need to use it via a dvd or bluray, but i have neither.


i'm looking to tweak the settings to get the best out of the display for all content.
everything i view is either thru HDM1 port 3 (satellite box) or plex app installled.

no other HDMI sources connected.


satellite box provides both HD and SD channels.
HD channels look not bad, SD are pretty poor at times so looking to tweak to get that a bit better.


4K content will be via either youtube or netflix, rare at the moment.

Not applicable

Hi there


"is it the common consensus that all the display "features" that "enhance" the image should be turned off?"


The answer is no.  However when you start calibrating or tweaking your display, its best to start with a blank canvas.  Which therefore means turning everything off, and then slowly turn on and adjust settings according to your preference.


For example, I have:

MotionFlow : Standard

Reality Creation: Auto (at the moment)

Noise Reduction : Auto:

Film Mode: Off


The reason why you download those images from the Sony link and use on another device is so that you can adjust the settings on the TV whilst you are viewing the image.  If you use the Album app for example, the image disappears as soon as you start going into the TVs settings.


SD Channels will always looks rubbish to be honest (Sony's TVs are better than others though), but you can only tweak SD so much...  The source video/image cannot add/change details that are not already there. 


My advice is to write all your settings down, and slowly tweak the settings over time.  Do not adjust too many settings at once.  See the excel spreadsheet that I created : HERE , and modify to your TV. 




do any changes made affect all sources? or just the one you are on at the time you make the change?

ideally i wouldn't want to calibrate colours etc and then have to do it all over again on each source.

Not applicable

Hi there


I have just tested making a change to the picture settings on using the source as "Digital TV".  Upon going to "HDMI 4 - ARC" using another source, the picture setting was different.  So once you get the settings the way you want it on one source - ensure that its written down and then you can quickly copy the setting to the other source.  To be honest, it doesnt take that long really. 


Its best to have a copy of your settings written down anyhow, as "Factory Resetting" these Android TVs is quite common !

