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KD55A1 Android issues

KD55A1 Android issues

Can anyone let me know if they have issues with the Samba tv part of the android service.

I have a lot of bloatware with this recently brought TV!

I want a good TV without the Bloat, and this is a brilliant TV don't get me wrong, on the viewing & sound anyway. I have samba issues and youview issues, one pops up constantly and the other slows the system down to slug speed!

borderline returning this perfect screen with *****e appware, please someone tell me that I can totally and utterly forever delete the andriod ware, just to run a TV with inputs, even if it just becomes a monitor of types....

Christ sake I parted with over two grand for this *****e ware!


You can turn off Samba in the Samba options in settings. It's a bit confusing, but basically say that you don;t want to use it. Otherwise you can disable the app from Android. Go into Settings/Apps, select Samba and disable it. Watch out that who had it disabled, after the last Android update had Samba always starting and crashing. I have been one of them...


I don't know much about YouView (we don;t have it here in Italy, I think. And I don't use an aerial either) , but I suppose there are similar options.