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Sony Android TV GDPR compliance

Sony Android TV GDPR compliance



Reading lot of post regarding bloatware in Android TV, eg. samba TV that are collecting user data etc...question arises, is this compliant with new EU regulation coming in May 2018 , called GDPR and addressing data privacy for EU countries, and how Android TV will handle this?


Sony feedback welcomed.




Hi Max,


Please contact Sony Support about this:




I have several security and privacy concerns with Sony Android TV:


- Android Security Bulletins are not shipped in a timely manner

- The KRACK (WPA2) vulnerability has still not been plugged!

- Samba TV still exchanges data after disabling it

- HbbTV reactivates itself after having used Android 7.0 PiP

- Sony TV waking up every few seconds to exchange data


I am already in contact with the Federal Cartel Office about it, also with consumer protection concerning Sony's standby behavior.

I will open ticket to Sony, maybe someone will respond to this. I love my SONY TV, but this privacy invasion with ad apps and constantly monitoring what I'm watching on TV is really bothering me. I really hope that Sony takes this issue seriously, because GDPR law will be really strict regarding privacy violation - currently with no clear explanation what this apps are doing, what kind of data is collected and sent to Sony or 3-rd party is unacceptable even without GDPR. All this is just hidden when you agree with terms and conditions. I choose to disagree, but without it I cant even update my TV via internet.

I think Sony should offer to customers bloat free Android TV, without any preinstalled stuff, each consumer has the option to install apps via app store, this way both customers are happy.

As much as I would love to hear something really concrete from Sony (and Google), I wouldn't have very high hopes.  I feel that GDPR will not change much. First, it concerns only privacy data and mostly processing of this data. AFAIK it doesn't say much about gathering data -correct me if I'm wrong.If the data is anonymized - GDPR is no longer relevant.

They may simply bury the data gathering in the T&C, if we do not agree, at least some function will not work. Moreover, data storing & processing is most likely being done outside EU - I really don't know how this will work against GDPR.

I know a little bit about how GDPR affect data processing and storage from the back-end side, it is vague in many aspects and I'm afraid it is even more vague when it comes to client side of things.