2 Xperia C not detect by usb


2 Xperia C not detect by usb

i have 2 xperia c. 1 with red led when charging and the other 1 has no sign at all.

both have tried with power button + vol down still no respond.

the red led have been succesfully repaired with xperia conpanion once. but when to blank after fews day. for now, after more than 20 times trying with XC, emma and flasher by androxyde all come with the same result. NOTHING

also i have tried

restart my laptop

using other usb ports

charge the font halfday

the led led will also turn red when i plug into usb. the other one no sign at all

10/038/2017 09:38:37 - INFO  - Flashtool Version built on 11-01-2017 15:12:00
10/038/2017 09:38:37 - INFO  - Executing search strategies to find proxy selector
10/038/2017 09:38:38 - INFO  - No proxy found for IE. Trying next one
10/038/2017 09:38:38 - INFO  - Strategy firefox failed trying next one : No Firefox installation found
10/038/2017 09:38:38 - INFO  - No proxy found for java. Trying next one
10/038/2017 09:38:39 - INFO  - Syncing devices from github
10/038/2017 09:38:39 - INFO  - Opening devices repository.
10/038/2017 09:38:39 - INFO  - Scanning devices folder for changes.
10/038/2017 09:38:49 - INFO  - Pulling changes from github.
10/038/2017 09:38:51 - INFO  - Quietly closing devices repository.
10/038/2017 09:38:51 - INFO  - Devices sync finished.
10/038/2017 09:38:51 - INFO  - Loading devices database
10/038/2017 09:38:51 - INFO  - Loaded 94 devices
10/038/2017 09:38:51 - INFO  - Starting phone detection
10/038/2017 09:38:57 - ERROR - Drivers need to be installed for connected device.
10/038/2017 09:38:57 - ERROR - You can find them in the drivers folder of Flashtool.
10/039/2017 09:39:17 - INFO  - Device disconnected
10/039/2017 09:39:20 - ERROR - Drivers need to be installed for connected device.
10/039/2017 09:39:20 - ERROR - You can find them in the drivers folder of Flashtool.
10/039/2017 09:39:26 - INFO  - Device Status: NOT FOUND
10/039/2017 09:39:35 - INFO  - Now plug your device in Fastboot Mode
10/039/2017 09:39:49 - INFO  - Device disconnected
10/039/2017 09:39:56 - ERROR - Drivers need to be installed for connected device.
10/039/2017 09:39:56 - ERROR - You can find them in the drivers folder of Flashtool.
10/040/2017 09:40:14 - INFO  - Filed
10/040/2017 09:40:17 - INFO  - Now plug your device in Fastboot Mode
10/040/2017 09:40:18 - INFO  - failed
10/040/2017 09:40:20 - INFO  - Device disconnected
10/040/2017 09:40:23 - ERROR - Drivers need to be installed for connected device.
10/040/2017 09:40:23 - ERROR - You can find them in the drivers folder of Flashtool.
10/040/2017 09:40:24 - INFO  - Now plug your device in Fastboot Mode
10/040/2017 09:40:26 - INFO  - Failed
10/040/2017 09:40:27 - INFO  - Now plug your device in Fastboot Mode
10/040/2017 09:40:28 - INFO  - Failed
10/040/2017 09:40:28 - INFO  - Now plug your device in Fastboot Mode
10/040/2017 09:40:30 - INFO  - Failed
10/040/2017 09:40:34 - INFO  - Device disconnected
10/040/2017 09:40:40 - ERROR - Drivers need to be installed for connected device.
10/040/2017 09:40:40 - ERROR - You can find them in the drivers folder of Flashtool.
10/040/2017 09:40:43 - INFO  - Device Status: NOT FOUND
10/040/2017 09:40:52 - INFO  - Device disconnected
10/040/2017 09:40:55 - ERROR - Drivers need to be installed for connected device.
10/040/2017 09:40:55 - ERROR - You can find them in the drivers folder of Flashtool.
10/041/2017 09:41:23 - INFO  - Device disconnected
10/041/2017 09:41:26 - ERROR - Drivers need to be installed for connected device.
10/041/2017 09:41:26 - ERROR - You can find them in the drivers folder of Flashtool.
10/041/2017 09:41:55 - INFO  - Device disconnected
10/041/2017 09:41:58 - ERROR - Drivers need to be installed for connected device.
10/041/2017 09:41:58 - ERROR - You can find them in the drivers folder of Flashtool.
10/042/2017 09:42:26 - INFO  - Device disconnected
10/042/2017 09:42:29 - ERROR - Drivers need to be installed for connected device.
10/042/2017 09:42:30 - ERROR - You can find them in the drivers folder of Flashtool.

should i just throw it away?