Known Problems Enquiry


Known Problems Enquiry

Hello, I got the same known problems.

1 Screen Dims And Brightens Automatically

2 Rear Camera Is The Worst + Video 

other solutions

3 sound is very bad = disable enchancements like clear phaze and others 

4 ram is okay for now = 600 is always in use, i have 100 - 250 free most time (with facebook and other heavy apps i have 80 free)

5 i know that Lollipop update will not be good. do not update ! it may fix camera but other thinks wil get worse

5 and my phone is poor quality built, (meaning external design, feels like it's not genuine)

6 as i know my mobile is certified for Uniter Arab Empires

KUDOS this post if you got the same problem, let people see how many of us face the same issue... 

and do not reply useless post !!! cos i know and you ! know it won't help. 

also it like 50%/50% that it can be camera software or hardware problem. i  think it is both ! i many thanks SONY many thanks ... i hate everyone...

if someone trid other camera apps and picture quality was good then please reply...


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