Marshmallow issues


Marshmallow issues

For who read my previous thread about the sudden death of the C5 will be interested to know that to fix various issues I ended up doing a software repair which, of course and sadly, installed marshmallow.

After two subsequential software repairs the device runs pretty well however two issues are not going away and driving me crazy.

Spare the question about safe mode because I did check in safe mode...

Here are the issues: bad wifi and Bluetooth. It disconnect every now and them if there is any Internet or Bluetooth activity.

If wifi dies, Bluetooth is the next to die, if Bluetooth dies same happen to the wifi.

This time is not related to 5ghz and 2.5ghz band, it's a probable buffer overflow becasue the way present itself is a typical bottleneck and then crash of the stacks.

So, I don't know. What's the opinion of the pros? I believe that it's software, not hardware... But you, what do you think?


Are we going to get updates after 6.0. 6.0.1 or something like that? Or has Sony stopped giving update to Xperia c5 ultra dual after 6.0 completely?

Xperia c5 ultra dual is just a year and 4 months old. Then why are we not getting android 7 update? Can't all users of this phone can request Sony for the update?

I was upset because Sony completely stop update on C5 Ultra Dual after android 6 marshmallow. Its time for me to go for other smartphone brand (Nokia?) after long time be a Sony user (11th Sony device now).

 I actually,logged on website to ask this..if xperia will have at least one more update,i recommend users with some problems,to download the MM rom and flash instead of keep the updates,i dont have anny problems here,cheers.


If C5 is probably not going to be update may be related to MTK not providing drivers and libraries for Nougat or because the chipset is not compatible with Vulkan.. If the latter is the case then it's on Google as they are putting more strict requirements...

If then the issue is Sony... More than say Shame on you, Sony... But I will still buy another Xperia because in all honesty their phones are really good. But still... Shame on you Sony haha 😂