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RX100 not switching on


RX100 not switching on

I have a MKI RX100. When I switch the camera on, the lens goes out, in and half way out again, but the screen is black with "Switch off and on" printed on it. When I switch the camera off, the lens goes in and back out staying out then the camera goes off. Switch it on again and the same happens. The only other button that works is the playback button, but I cannot see anything much because of the black screen.


I have given the bettery a charge over night - no change

I have taken the battery out and put it back in - no change

Same with the SD card - no change

I have tried with the USB plugged into the charger and my laptop with no change and without the battery in - no change

I have checked for softwear updates and it said it didn't need any.


This camera, while out of warranty is only 19 months old and I had rather hoped it would still be working by now


Any ideas?


@Thalamus. wrote:

Hi Adam,

has anyone from Sony been in contact with you yet??

@Adam.L Any update on this??