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Problems with New Reader for PC with PRS-650 and PRS-T1

Problems with New Reader for PC with PRS-650 and PRS-T1

I have a PRS-650 which worked fine with the Reader software. I have just purchased a new reader PRS-T1) for my wife. When I installed it on our PC Windows 7), I also installed the New reader that came with it. The new reader software works fine with the PRS-T1 but locks up when I connect my PRS-650. It launches correctly when I connect the 650 but then goues into a "Not Responding" state. I have tried reinstalling the software to no avail. The 650 still works with the old reader software.

Has anyone else found this an issue?

Should they both work with the New Reader software? If so, any suggestions?


Thank you Sony Support for your reply.

I had to delete all content & reset the reader (PRS-650) to get it to work. Unfortunately the new software falls 1,000,000 miles short of the last in functionality. Please go back to the drawing board!!!

Message was edited by: patrickmj

Message was edited by: patrickmj