PRS-650 stuck in charge mode ?

PRS-650 stuck in charge mode ?

I've downloaded some free books to my PC (XP) nd they're there,some in the download panel, &  some in My Doc's.

I have d/loaded the Sony elibrary facility, and the Adobe one, and PC is "authorized".

I go to try to transfer books from PC to 650 by plugging in USB cable, reader shows "charging.." logo, & 'do not disconnect' etc..

Nothing I do will get rid of this status, either on the reader or in my PC.

I'm not a techy, sadly, so may be doing it all wrong.

Could anyone skilled help me ?

Sony also seem to have a thing against my passwords, too. I keep having to ask them to send me another, as they insist I have the wrong one. Sometimes I get one use out of their gobbledygook one, then it refuses to recognise it. The one time I managed to change it to something I could remember, it welcomed me once , then decided I'd got email/password wrong AGAIN !

I'm on my 7/8th now - and it doesn't get better !

Much appreciated.