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Problems streaming with CMT-G2

Problems streaming with CMT-G2


I've just purchased a Sony CMT-G2BNiP and I'm having problems streaming music from my PC. Whenever I try to use the 'Play To' feature from Windows Media Player the little Play To window tries to connect, but eventually says "Error occurred on your device" and nothing then happens.

If I try to play music from the hi fi itself I can pick a song and it displays the funky little square processing animation - but then nothing. It just says 'Cannot play'

The hi fi is connected to my network, as the display shows my network name and I can browse my MP3 library that's on on my PC. My PC (Windows 7) also finds the hi fi, it seems, with no problems because it's there in media streaming options and the play to feature.

I had a bit of trouble initially getting the hi fi to find my network, but realised it was a setting in ESET that was blocking it. Since then it's all connected fine - it's just that the hi fi doesn't actually want to play my MP3s.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is an expensive bit of kit and I bought it mainly for DLNA!

Please help!


EDIT1 : I've just checked through the manual again and spotted that "Cannot Play" means:

"The system cannot play a service or station due to an unsupported file format or playback restrictions."

This is a bit worrying. None of my 5k songs seem to play. They are -all- either ripped from my own CDs or purchased from Amazon, and they are all .mp3.


EDIT2: My files don't seem to have DRM, apparently. I've checked many, looking at the Details tab and checking for 'Protected' and they are all 'No'.

Message was edited by: gogobongopop

Message was edited by: gogobongopop