OK so a new one here!!
Anyone remeber the great giga juke server fiasco of nov 2011?
All seemed sorted right?
Well at the time we were looking at a new TV but waited as we really wanted a smart TV and usually buy sony but were a bit put off by the hassle with the giga server issue, so we waited.
In the interim our router packed up and we were sent a new one , it has a WPS button ? At firts the giga couldnt find it , but we persevered and eventually all was well.The signal on to the wireless remote giga unit was no better (it is intermittent at best btu as we live in a wide bungalow figure its interference).
Well over christmas 2012 we took the plunge in the sales and our new Sony smart TV arrived.
We even manged to get it to connect to the router the first time using the wps function !!!Wow we thought.
The only problem now is that the wireless remote unit WILL NOT connect to the home network !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP PLEASE