
EPG timer Rec problem

I have a Sony RDR-HXD560. For nearly two weeks now, it has been starting the EPG timer rec fine but simply fails to stop. I have in some cases inadvertantly recorded 8 hours of TV because it didn't stop after the original 30-min program had ended. In most cases, however, the amount of extra time is random.

I can seemingly make the EPG 'remember' to stop recording by going to the EPG and simply selecting (ie highlighting or sometimes selecting with 'enter') the program that I don't want to record - ie the first program that is erroneously recorded. Then the EPG flickers a bit and recording stops.


So, what's going on? And how can I stop it, because I'm eating up memory at a considerable rate.




Hello, I have a Sony DVD recorder Model RDR-HXD860, I have had same problem for the past few months, I have tried various things to sort it out, yesterday I retuned the recorder, up to now it seems to have done the trick and has stopped recording at the end of the programs that I set using the EPG, Hope this works for you


Hi, I've tried by retuning several times but it doesn't work for me. I've been using the manual timer method which does work. I'll try a retune again soon and see if it works this time. Thanks anyway.


I too have this problem, but it appears to be intermittent. A couple of months ago I got rid of it by retuning (at least, it seemed to fix it; as I said, it's intermittent), but it came back.

If you look at the EPG while it's overshooting a recording you can see that the EPG shows the correct program times, but the recorder is still going and we're well into the next program.

It's possible to fix the recording later by splitting the recording and deleting the second part, but this is very time consuming.

Probably due to a lack of compatibility between the latest EPG formats and the EPG decoding firmware in v1.01.11CE.

Time for a firmware upgrade, Sony!



Thanks for that. I've been doing the same as you and dividing the recording
afterwards - a bit of a bind but cheaper than a new recorder as it's only
used as a second machine anyway! I like it because if you want to keep a
recording it's easy to transfer direct to disc without having to download
the file, load it on to a computer, edit it in some software, and then burn
it to disc.