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STR-DH810 display failing.

STR-DH810 display failing.

I have an STR-DH810 home cinema amp on which the front LCD display keeps going blank - almost as though the display is 'switching off'.

Whever this happens, a gentle tap anywhere on the unit brings it back up again - sometimes it stays on for a few minutes, & sometimes for a few hours, but it always goes blank again eventually.

I've just been putting up with it as the issue doesn't affect the operation of the unit at all which contines to work perfectly normally.

Has anyone else experienced a similar problem.? I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on what might be causing the issue & whether or not it's fixable.? 

Many thanks in anticipation.

Not applicable

Hi there



As this is not affecting the operstion of the AV reciever itself, then i agree that it appears to be isolated to the LCD display.  As tapping the AV receiver appears to help its probably a loose connection or a short somewhere.


Curious to know if its related to heat in some way.  Meaning does it only happen after the AV receiver is on for a while or at louder volumes etc.


Either way, you will need to get this repaired from an authorised Sony repair center, see HERE for details.



I agree with @Anonymous on this one. A dry solder joint or even a faulty/leaking capacitor could easily cause these symptoms and especially when the unit heats up and things inside start to expand. Tapping the unit might temporarlily cause the joint to reconnect but only a repair could fix this. Personally I'd want to get it repaired sooner rather than later to avoid any further possible damage to the LCD or receiver. 



The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

Hello, Ive just come across this post as I in fact am having the exact same issue, with the exact same Amp, Did you find a resolution to your problem? Simply tapping the screen isn't a solution that works for me too well anymore so id massively appreciate some help regarding this. Many thanks in advance

No, to be honest I didn't. Problem being that my local Sony approved repair centre wanted more than the amp was worth to repair it. It's still in the garage whilst I decide what to do with it. Sorry - not much help I know.

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Hey there, did you find a solution?

@paulvija wrote:

Hey there, did you find a solution?

No, I never did.

I contacted my local Sony authorised repair centre & they wanted to charge more than it was actually worth to investigate the fault.

I put up with it for a while and I eventually bought another amplifier.






It looks like your solution has either been moderated or removed which is a shame. Customers are invited to share their experiences on these forums and do this of their own free will. Your solution which was emailed to me in full seemed like a good solution. I'll bear this in mind should my STR-DN1040 ever develop such a fault.


These forums need people like you so please keep sharing your experiences/solutions, some of us appreciate them :wink:


The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14

Hi fellers, any chance of passing on the solve to me? Its a frustrating problem. Im guessing a loose solder.