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Error Camera may be in use by another application


Error Camera may be in use by another application


I'm experiencing this error on my M5 at the moment.


The camera may be in use by another application. Please close the other application and try again."

I've tried rebooting, factory reset,safe mode, and clearing data/cache of camera app. Nothing works!

I just got my M5 and I'm disappointed by this.

The camera worked fine the first week only. I haven't done anything to my phone nor did I drop it to cause such issue.

Can someone help me out?


Hi i'm also facing the same issue in sony xperia m5 kindly check the bug and provide update asap


In case , if you are using clean master, I would advice to remove it , and then restart the phone. I had the same issue. Worked for me! Slightly_smiling_Face

Hi friends this morning i have this problem too, but i reset the M5 and now its ok, i dont know Whats hapened

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the same "error camera not availabe - camera maybe in use by other aplications..." fustrating problem. Also, sometimes the fone would switch off and not come on when I press the power button. Only after i put it in a charger would it come on. I have never seen an official feedback from Sony about this issue/problem and it seems to be a worldwide issue as i am in south africa. Isn't it about time Sony is sued. They must other refund us or recall all their m5 to be fixed. I am just not sure if there are corporates out there that can represent us as consumers? We bought M5 because of the great front n rear camera specs to capture certain moments at specific given times. This rubbish of clearing data is a temporal solution and does not work sometimes. Even if the camera does work afterwards you would have lost the time to capture what you wanted to capture. Does anyone know permanent solutions to the two main M5 problems above? Never buying sony again and will advise others to save their money and consider buying other brands. #sonyM5dualiscrapphone #Sonymustfall


Settings > apps >all > camera > clear data > restart the phone, if that doesn't work then 

boot in >>> safe mode

if that doesn't work then disable OK Google


Tried the 1st option, doesn't help. 2nd option wants to restore google to factory setting which I doubt would help as google came with the phone.

I just bought this phone and already replaced because other hardware issue. And now my front camera is not working. It says Unknown error. Then it will close. When I open it again it says camera is in used. I followed some steps like clearing the data of the camera. Even use force stop button then restart it. The back camera is working again but when I switch to front camera the error is there again. When i open it again, its not working anymore. I even try factory reset and boot in safe mode. Please help!! This is very frustrating.


Does it work in >>> safe mode ?


Nope it doesnt work in safe mode either

I have the same problem, and I can't say if is a hardware or software problem, but to get back the camera working I put my cellphone into the fridge after clearing cache of the camera and turning it off, I put it there like 5 minutes and after restart the phone the camera was working, but just for a little seconds until it stop working again, maybe someone else can check if is hardware problem or software problem.