Adding Pictures to Playlist


Adding Pictures to Playlist


I have a VGF-AP1L 40 gig vaio pocket...and would like to know of a quick and simple method to add album cover pictures to albums I have already transferred to the pocket player.

To add I no longer have the music files on my sonic stage (F.Y.I. sonicstage & music transfer are latest software versions installed) but do have as non atrac formats (mp3's mostly).

As I have over 7000 tracks on the player, I dont want to reimport the tracks (too much of a waste of time) with the pictures (click drag and drop the pictures, in my library view of sonicstage, prior to transferring to player....isnt there a way similar to this once the tracks are on the player??)

Would love to hear how anyone has tackled this....

thanks in advance...

p.s. why is it that once the tracks have been transferred to the player & connected to the PC, sonicstage will not play the tracks from the player??

Much props for any help!!!


p.s. why is it that once the tracks have been transferred to the player & connected to the PC, sonicstage will not play the tracks from the player??

SonicStage 3.2 does allow this for ALL tracks now



SonicStage 3.2 does allow this for ALL tracks now

As far as i know sonicstage 3.1. is the latest where does one find version 3.2??