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Backlight Bleed?


Backlight Bleed?


I bought my sony FS about a week ago (fs215s), and I've been noticing what appears to be backlight bleeding.

When viewing a black screen in windows (e.g. screensaver) I get light which appears to be coming from the bottom of the display, and also some light at the top.

I've noticed that my taskbar is extremely bright in windows, and the start menu looks 'washed out'.

The only way I can fix this is in the nvidia control panel, by changing the colour correction and turning the brightness down slightly. However I still get the light on black screens from the bottom etc.

Is this normal? Can I get this fixed by sony? What could be causing this problem?

Thanks. Posted a link to a picture of the screen below.


got my laptop 3days ago. that backlight bleed thing is normal, i have a brighter bulb at the bottom as well on my laptop although sony claim their lighting is even across the screen it isnt. all the laptops of this series have the samething, i dont think it can be fixed.

Rather than suggesting that everyone should put up with a faulty screen, I think my suggestion would be that you ignore Sony and ask for it to be repaired as well :wink: it clearly is not correct. Bleed may be noticable on a dark screen, but no more than in the top light of his picture. The bottom is way too much.


I don't know what to think any more, mine seems to be bright at the top and bottom, but leaves a dark band in the middle. Wierd but only noticable on a black screen.

I agree with TT, get all dodgy screens repaired. The chances are the entire screen will get replaced.

If it's only 3 days old take it back to the retailer and demand a swap


the exact same laptops on display were all the same, the lower light is brighter than the upper light, the one they sold me was brand new in a box, if i get it replaced i will just end up with another laptop with the same problem, to be honest the bulb isnt that much of a problem only on a completely dark screen you can notice it. actually i think his bottom light is a bit more intense than mine i'll take a pic and we can compare, then he would get more of an idea how messed his laptop is. or how messed up mine may be.


follow the link to the pic above. its my backlight isnt actually as bad, no light at the top, with alittle at the bottom. copy and paste the link into browser, dont click it, wont work that way if you do for some reason.


I got a reply from sony this morning -

"it would appear that this behaviour is normal and is more visible on this dark background.
This is due to the backlight shining through. Within specification. "

But I know its not correct, I've seen numerous models in store without this problem. What can I do?


I don't know what to tell you. I know mine is nothing like as bad, nor is the bottom light worse than the top. They are completely even.

Its lighter than it should be


This is due to the backlight shining through. Within specification. "

It's the "within specification" bit that gets me. If that sort of bleed is within specification you need to be asking Sony at what point are they able to tell whether it has fallen outside of "specification". At what point does it become unacceptable?

How can they tell from a picture that this is within the limits? By definition "limits" is merely am expression of points or places within a pre-determined scale. Therefore, wouldn't there need to be a device or such to be able to measure the bleed against this (industry standard?) pre-determined scale.

How could that have been used if the computer hasn't even gone back to the manufacturer yet?

I certainly wouldn't take someone at Sony telling me that it falls within any sort of specification until they'd had a proper look at it and used whatever device they had developed to measure the so called "within specification" light bleed.

Don't settle for second best. Keep complaining until something is done about it.

As you were.

I agree with TR, they'd need to do a physical test to see this for real