How do I complain about VAIO support??!


How do I complain about VAIO support??!

I have a Vaio Fit 11A that I have always been very happy with.


A few months ago the track pad failed - it was picked up promptly, repaired quickly and I couldn't sing the praise of Sony support enough - and I did.




After the laptop was returned I noticed that the home key was just 'sat' in place and in fact it was not a backlit key like the rest of the keyboard.  It was clear that this key had been detached during repair and someone had tried to 'push' a key back on, but the wrong type.


In honesty, I did not notice straight away, as the kids use the laptop a lot more than me.  Also in honesty, I thought it would be a simple case of asking support to send me a replacement key to click in to place, so I didn't report it straight away (crazy busy at work, travel abroad. etc.).  When I did speak to support they eventually told me that as I had not reported it within three days of return I was not covered!  They also told me that to rectify the issue the whole keyboard has to be replaced at a cost of circa £170!!


There was much toing and froing, after which I finally accepted life without a HOME key and decided I could probably live with it.


Then a couple of weeks later I pick up the laptop and a screw hits the floor.  Puzzled, I looked closer and realise it is one of the screws out of the rear of the case!


At this point I think "why should I accept no HOME key", "surely if a key comes off, that should be warranty anyway" and "which monkey fixed this (not cheap) equipment in the first place"?


I am now trying to find out how to escalate, but the only email I have is from the support centre who have already told me with a certain lack of politeness "tough luck".


I have gone from being very impressed, straight back to being a Dell customer.


Not happy 😞


Hi pchapple and welcome to the Community :slight_smile:


I have escalated this for you.

Hopefully someone will contact you in the next few days.

Are your contact details correct in your profile?




Thank you, that's really appreciated

@pchapple Has anyone from Sony been in touch with you at all?