I need a bigger hard drive in my VGN-S4M/S


I need a bigger hard drive in my VGN-S4M/S

My Vaio is an ancient one from circa 2005/6 it came with windows XP. I'm looking to buy more memory and get a bigger hard drive, oh and need to know how to do it! I've located the 2 memory chips (one underneath the keyboard and one at the bottom and I've found a site guaranteeing the memory to be 100% compatible). The same site sells SSD 2.5" drives viz. Crucial 256 Gb m4 SSD - CT256MSSD2. Where is the HDD located on my VAIO? Is it straightforward to change (I have to clone the HD first, I realise) and will it work? Any advice on changing the HDD would be most helpful. P.S. I realise that Sony do not condone any 'unauthorised' changes but I've nothing to lose.