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I get this message on my Sony Vaio VGN-AW41ZF - SMART Failure predicted on hard drive. Failure imminent. Replace hard disk.
It's on when I turn on the Vaio. It prompts to press F1 to continue. It gets real slow. I'm trying Recover system now butI don't think it will solve...
Do you know this problem.? Is it hardware? Do need to send the Vaio to Repair?
If you are still within Warranty, contact Sony and they will probably replace the disc.
I think your model has 2 X 500GB drives in RAID 0 configuration. Smart disc checking does not work on RAID disc arrays so it is a mystery why you are getting the message.
Try running CHKDSK \F to see if your hard disc has errors.
Frankly, it could be a disc failing or it could be a false alarm.
If you are within Warranty - get it fixed.
If you are outside Warranty then you could try opening Intel Matrix Storage Manager (if you have it installed) and try clearing the error message by right-clicking on the disc with an error and setting it to 'Normal'. Keep your Vaio fully backed up and hope the message does not return.
many thanks for the info.
The problem is hardware. I have warranty so I'll contact them to replace the unit.
I've backup info, Recover all system but problem persists.
Guess I am one unlucky guy. Hardware problem on my first Vaio...
Hi, if you need recover your files you can see data recovery company like
Good luck