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Vaio VGN-NW20EF hot & noisy fan

Vaio VGN-NW20EF hot & noisy fan

I've had my Vaio for almost two years now and recently I've noticed it becomes hot very easily and the fan is noisy, even if I'm only doing something very basic like checking emails.

It is always kept on a flat surface and I also have a stand which is supposed to increase airflow but it doesn't seem to help.

I've tried using some compressed air to get rid of dust in the vents but haven't wanted to dismantle it incase I damage anything.

Are there any tips to stop it from getting so hot and noisy?

Thanks :slight_smile:


Hi rocketsauce,

As the use of compressed air has made no difference, and assuming that the fan noise is just increased speed due to high temperature as opposed to a grinding sound, then a thorough clean of the fan and vent system may be necessary. This will involve disassembly and if you are uncomfortable with doing this yourself then I suggest that you contact a Sony service partner in your area.

Monitor the CPU and GPU temperature with a free utility such as PC Wizard and let us known the result. Prolonged high temperatures may cause motherboard damage so this needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.


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Hi Rich,

Thanks for your reply.

According to a gadget on my desktop the CPU usage is never particularly high but I'm not sure about the temperature.

The fan is still quite noisy sometimes but it doesn't seem to be a grinding noise which I suppose is a good thing.

The vent on the left side gets quite hot as well as the area to the right of the touchpad.

There doesn't appear to be a Sony service partner in my area, is the disassembly quite straightforward or is it advisable to get it taken to a computer shop?


Hi rocketsauce,

CPU usage and temperature although linked may not be relevant in your case. I still suggest that you download PC Wizard and report the temperatures.

Unfortunately I don’t have disassembly instructions for your model but maybe someone else does. If you have no experience of this sort of procedure then employ someone competent to do it, otherwise you could end up with an expensive door stop.


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