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VPCEC3S0E webcam has stopped working and does not appear in the device manager

VPCEC3S0E webcam has stopped working and does not appear in the device manager

My laptop when new worked fine including the built in webcam.

However today I find that the webcam does not work and has disappeared from the PC software altogether.

Find new hardware does not find it.

Can anybody help?


We do seem to get this question quite often but unfortunately, nobody seems to have a magic solution.

The cameras in recent models are generic Windows USB devices - that is they work with any version of Windows without a dedicated driver.  They just use the drivers included in Windows, usbvideo.sys and ksthunk.sys, it is worth checking you have both of these in C:\Windows\System32\drivers.

There are 3 things to try: -

1.  As your Vaio is probably still within warranty, open a case with Vaio Support as this is not an isolated case and ask them to supply a solution.

2. Try the old fix for USB devices - it does work occasionally.  USB devices are susceptible to static buildup.  Disconnect the mains lead and remove the battery.  Hold the power button down for 30 seconds and, if possible, leave the Vaio overnight with no power connected.  Then connect the mains power only and boot into Windows.  Try the camera and then replace the battery.

3. Try the other last ditch attempt to fix USB devices.  Go to Device Manager and expand USB Controllers.  Right-click on each of the USB Controllers and choose 'Uninstall'.  Reboot and Windows will reinstall the USB Drivers.

I am sorry that there is no quick fix but I would try Vaio Support as a first port of call.


Hi sorry to trouble you,just posted a request about a recovery disc ,as my sony vaio crushed!got my VPCEB mode looks like your is similar.can you help by burning a copy from yours.I appreciate .
