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Constants system freezes


Constants system freezes

Hello guys.

I have kind of quite serious problem with my Vaio (VPCF13S8R/B), which for some reason causes a constant system freezes, for like seconds, and its mostly occurs during games(online), or just going through the internet. I cant surely say, because it takes ages to test and compare whether its 100% only while online, but it looks like it. Any online games - is 10 freezes in 2 minute for sure. Sometimes hard to watch online video as well.

- Its not the temperature(checked)

- No physical damage (bought laptop 9 days ago)

Another thing, I also noticed, is that when I clean my rester with Ccleaner, there are ALWAYS at least 10 problems. Last night, right after reboting/reloading the whole windows, and going on the internet again, put CCleaner on, and there was 56 problems. Right now there are 12:

Missing DLL C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.0.3705\system.enterpriseserices. dll

And all of them are similar to that expect for the last bit (system. ent.) e.g.

And its in: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersions\SharedDlls

This been an insane for me. I little local computer shop have no clue what I'm talking about, because, you know sometimes is just goes really wrong, you give it to someone to look at, and it works perfect. Well here we go.

This is my first time writing here, so I might missed out something. Please, if anyone has any idea what can cause that, please share with me.

Thank you


Hi ! I'm sorry my English is bad, but I try to help you. I think that a problem with net framework. Try to install (or reinstall) Net Framework 2.0 or Net Framework 4.0. When I played Aion, I used NF 2.0, and all worked.

By the way, check up updatings for flash player, maybe it's will help you.

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