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Digital Clipping Sound WH-1000XM4

Digital Clipping Sound WH-1000XM4

Hi, really hoping somebody can help!

I’ve recently been using my Sony WH-1000XM4 headphones to test how mixes of songs I’m producing sound through consumer headphones and have noticed an odd noise, almost sounds like a little squeak or digital clipping, occasionally occurred. At first I thought it was just an issue with my beginner mixing skills, but I’ve been using my headphones all day to listen to songs from Apple Music and have discovered that this sound isn’t just on music I’ve made, but occurs frequently on songs from Apple Music too. I’ve not had this issue with other headphones/speakers - has anyone else encountered this issue?


This could happen due to multiple reasons, there could be some sort of signal interference so check if you're near an over, microwave, radio...etc when this happens again to check.
Also this could be due to the noise cancelling function, so have you tested the headphones on ambient and normal?

as well, you might wanna Download the Sony headphone connect app and on the NC/ambient mode you can decrease the wind noise slider as that can be one of the issues as well.
If you've been mainly using it wirelessly have you tried connecting the cable to check if it's a Bluetooth/connection issue.