When I first time unbox my xperia xa about 5 months ago and when I first time used NFC its icon was showing up on status bar. And about few patches ago NFC icon was showing on status bar when NFC is on. And after an patch I noticed that when NFC is on its icon is missing from status bar. I tried everything to back up NFC icon on status bar when NFC is on but nothing cannot be done without root. U should tell annoyed people on this forum because of "annoying N icon" in status bar that it is just NFC and they just need to turn it off to make icon dissapear and not to make them send bug reports or similar about this icon. And when I check build.prop there is ro.nfc.icon.enable=false. This is a bug or u just removed it in an update to not annoy people or something idk. Its not a major issue but it should be in notiffication bar.
