Xperia keeps restarting


Xperia keeps restarting

A few days ago my Xperia XZ premium started randomly restarting whilst in standby and whilst in use. This is happening throughout the day and night.

At a similar time my wife's Xperia has also started doing the same.

The fact that both phones are doing this would suggest that it is a software or App issue?

I have done the following without resolve:

-Soft reset

-Removed sim/sd card and restarted

-Checked all apps up to date and phones running on latest software.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I would rather not factory reset if I can avoid it!



Try using several different router configurations, like for example changing the channel, or changing the frequency from 2,4GHz to 5GHz.

There is also the possibility of an incompatibility between the router and the phone. All this of course if the problem is with the Wi-Fi. 


I've 'forgotten' my home WiFi and reconnected, so far it's not happened again. Fingers crossed its sorted!


Hi @DaveGayle, has it occurred after you forgot the network and reconnected to it, or is everything working for both you and your wife now? Slightly_smiling_Face


Hi, so far so good! All working fine now for both of us!



Hi again @DaveGayle and that is awesome to hear! Slightly_smiling_Face

I hope that it will continue to work fine for you and your wife!

Have a great Friday and an awesome weekend and if there is anything else, don't hesitate to send me a PM or create a new thread! Slightly_smiling_Face


How do i fix a restarting Sony xperia model: C 1904 cellphone?


I have the same problem. Switching off WLAN can't be the permanent solution. Please file a bug report. I've tried to reset the phone already. Same error few hours later. 


Hi @Lilroy, sorry to hear about your device restarting. Slightly_frowning_Face

For the Xperia M the options are a bit more limited since the device has reached it's end of support and you can't perform, for example a software repair.

When does the restart occur, is it when using the device as normal, or when using a specific app or service?

In some cases a defect SIM and/or SD card can be the cause of the device restarting, so you can remove them temporarily and see if it continues to restart. You can also restart the device in safe mode, so we can see if any downloaded application is the cause of this.

@FTsamy, sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

There are different reasons for why a device is restarting and in the OP's case, it was the Wi-Fi connection, but it was solved after forgetting the Wi-Fi network and connecting to it again.

When your device is restarting, are you doing anything special in the device, or just using it as you would normally do?

As I mentioned to @Lilroy, a defect SIM and/or SD card can cause the device to restart, so try and remove them temporarily and see if that makes any difference.

You can also try restarting the device is safe mode so we can see if any downloaded application is the cause of this, as they are temporarily disabled in this mode.

Let me know how it goes!


I removed the sd card completely, still restarting. 

Starting in safe mode, still restarting. 

Some things i observed by troubleshooting. The restarts are completely random. Sometimes after 30 minutes , sometimes after few hours. The menu is lagging up to 10 seconds if i want to raise the volume for example. If i had to guess, its a memory problem


Still waiting for a Response.. On private message also no reply after one week..