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XZ2 & Android 10 - 52.1.A.0.532


XZ2 & Android 10 - 52.1.A.0.532

Just received Andoid upgrade to 10 52.1.A.0.532 - most of the functions seems to work without any hassel. What I recognized is, that the fingerprint reader is responding with a much bigger delay than before - seems to be a high lag time. Anybodey else with same xperience or any other issues?

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I have reported the fingerprint BUG to Sony Support in NL and included a link to this forum topic.

Please report the problem to Sony support your country through the support link on this site, or the Sony support App on you phone.


Phone is extremely lagging in every function. Finger print needs to be touched 3 times before it works. Been a sony fan for over 20 years, but this is ridiculous now. 


Not receiving the updat yet 😂🤦‍♂️


Desde que he realizado la actualización el móvil tiene un retraso en las aplicaciones y me consume mucha más batería, y no como desinstalar esta actualización. Fatal!!! Vaya desastre!!! 

Since I made the update the mobile has a delay in applications and consumes much more battery, and not how to uninstall this update. Fatal!!! Go disaster!!!



Same. Also my battery drains like crazy! Used to get a day and half sometimes 2 out of my phone and now I'm barely lasting a day. Everything is really laggy. Also my alarm is crazy! Goes off and hit snooze then 1 minute later it's going off again and so hit dismiss and it goes off again 1 minute later and repeat process for another 3/4 times! 


Hier das glei Problem, mikrofon ist total schlecht, sprachnarichten zu leise oder man hört nix.... Außerdem wollte ich mein Handy per Bluetooth mit dem Auto verbinden, es geht garnix trotz Kopplung, absolut... Ich bin echt am überlegen ob ich das Handy an die Wand werfen soll

Here is the same problem, the microphone is totally bad, the speech is too quiet or you can't hear anything .... I also wanted to connect my cell phone to the car via Bluetooth, nothing works despite the connection, absolutely ... I am really thinking about throwing the phone on the wall



Same here. Slow fingerprint reader, higher battery drain. Sluggish apps. But the biggest problem so far I can no longer use the phone as a phone. I can dial and answer calls, but no sound my end and the person the other end hears nothing too. Diabolical. Sony must fix or provide roll back urgently. 


I may have a solution.

1. Open the settings.

2. Click on the last button on the list. (Information about your device).

3. Click Android Version.

4. Click Google Play-Systemupdate.

The phone should restart after the update. Solved not everything but i can use my phone.(No lags)


I have the same problems. Since the upgrade the fingerprint sensor is sometimes working, sometimes not.

The biggest problem is that sometimes calls are not coming through (no reaction on the XZ2 at all) and on the calling side you get an occupied tone ... Really weird.

I hope there will be a bug fix package really soon...


I suggest everyone send an email all contacts Sony customer service via chat to make a formal complaint.

I hope the more people, the faster they will notice the scope of the problem and provide a solution.