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XZ2 & Android 10 - 52.1.A.0.532


XZ2 & Android 10 - 52.1.A.0.532

Just received Andoid upgrade to 10 52.1.A.0.532 - most of the functions seems to work without any hassel. What I recognized is, that the fingerprint reader is responding with a much bigger delay than before - seems to be a high lag time. Anybodey else with same xperience or any other issues?

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I did try SW repair via the Companion and it did not resolve a single problem in a lasting fashion. While everything looked great the first half day , the finger print sensor was still a pain in the rear - one day it worked fine, next you have to do the endless touching. Battery performance did not improve, performance of the system got worse day by day - so it looks like the longer the system runs wihtout reboot the worse the perfromance gets. Like many other pointed out the upgrade degraded the phone significantly and I a truly looking forwad to a fix by SONY as soon as possible ...


My XZ2 after update is pretty much unusable.

Multitasking is impossible - even two apps running at the same time tend to crash, going back to homescreen often reveals that the homescreen itself was killed in the process - icons get redrawn from scratch. Even spotify + messenger is often a problem.

Keyboard (swiftkey) is often impossible to use. Even redrawing the screen to make the keyboard appear can take up to 30 seconds.

Camera doesn't work more often than it does. Using camera via messenger has 80% chance of crashing the app. Using included camera app often shows SD card error.

Battery gets drained after a few hours of normal usage - I'd say 50-80% increase in power consuption.

I've enabled "ANRs" in the background and it reveals that sometimes the lagging apps might be "Google" or "Android Auto" (didn't even know that one existed). No current CPU consumption overlay makes debugging the phone really hard.

I'm experiencing pretty much every issue listed in this thread, excluding the microphone calling issues - I believe my microphone works fine when calling (but of course not when using google assistant - again about 50% chances of success in giving a command or trying to find someting).

I will honestly never buy a sony phone again.


I still haven't received the update. Screenshot_20200121-192104.png


Same problem after update to Android 10 - don't work sound and microphone during phone calls, can't install new or update old applications, great problems with performance, applications stop and close. Awful work of dev team Slightly_frowning_Face

Support team - we need urgent update! 


I hope someone at Sony is working to fix all these problems. 

I'm baffled at how bad my Xperia XZ2 Compact is after the update.


exactly as you said, not happy at all

hopefully they'll release some update very soon!


I think they released Android 10 for small percentage of phones in the market and now that they have seen how it works, they are actually working on the stable version to be released for everyone. 

It seems that we are the Guinea pigs to be tested but I believe if most Sony's phones (among those that are to get Android 10) would be broken this would be all over in YouTube and tech sites. 


I can just agree with what majority is writing here in this thread. Since i got the 52.1.A.0.532 update my phone has become more or less useless. I was in contact with support but it was the usual feedback try this and that but we all know that it most likely doesn't matter what i do since it is not on my end to fix these problems, i think both Sony and Google have some issues to sort out here before it will work again.
just some of what i have experienced so far:
  • Fingerprint sensor is extremely slow and occasionally doesn't work at all 
  • BT occasionally break down and wont work at all
  • severe lagging when multitasking
  • Battery gets hot and drains rapidly
  • Slow from start to being able to use
  • Lagging when starting apps, take time to load
  • Overall performance is worse than ever
  • Some times the phone just completely bug out and nothing works, it feels like there is some process in the background completely draining the memory...

After installing the update to Android 10 i noticed an irritating lag in building up the correct background colour of the (home)screens when i turn the display on (out of a black screen) with the button on the right side. Before the background colour appears (in my case it´s  just a simple blue) the display "lits" up shortly in "black" before the (blue) colour comes in. Seems like a bug in the display controller.

Since i bought this XPERIA XZ2 compact just one week ago, and since i do not want to own a brand new mobile phone with an obvious malfunction i will give it back now and probably turn to another brand.



Basically everyone has problems after installing android 10, but not just on the XZ2... My XZ3 currently is nothing but a pathetic piece of plastic and glass since the android 10 update. ITS A €700,- PHONE!!!!!!!!! WORTHLESS RIGHT NOW.

Phone takes full control of itself and likes to do some funky things: 

- Terrible slow phone and crashing instantly by using any apps

- Camera doesn't work anymore

- Microphone issue. Can't hear voice memo's from myself

- Phonecall issues, it just doesn't do anything when i call except giving a blue screen

- Alarm is ringing and ringing after i turned it off. Ringing, ringing and again... ringing....

- Stupid new functions except for the most important one, gesture navigation. (Thanks for that, sony)

I must have forgotten anything, but i think this is more than enough. Considering the amount of people with similar problems, Sony must do anything, don't they??