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Switching between two main cameras


Switching between two main cameras

Hey there. 

I just bought a new Xperia 10. It has two main rear cameras. How to switch between them.



Hi Viridis,

This is a forum, so I expected people providing real help with explaining the stuff, not refering to user guide instead (which I've checked before I started the topic already). Answering to a person saying 'read the user guide' is the same kind of answer if I would have if I went to a car repair shop with a certain problem and the the technician said 'read the user manual of your car'.

Again, in case my initial question wasnt clear to somebody. Sony Xperia 10 has two main rear cameras, right? It's been couple of weeks since I bought this device. And I still dont really understand how do I get the second from those two main cameras working. Should I download the latest software update? Is something wrong with the camera software? Or is the second camera is only to assist the maincamera  when making the bokeh? Can somebody provide a decent answer to this goddamn simple question?

And, if you don't know the answer, please don't answer anything, just ignore the topic. Don't advise reading the manual.


Hi @Nazar_Babiak 

You can find an answer on Youtube.

The product description does mention digital zoom, not optical zoom.

21:9 Capturing (movies and images)

Bokeh effect

HDR (High Dynamic Range) photo

Hybrid Autofocus

Low-light photo: ISO12800

5x digital zoom

4K video recording


120fps slow-motion movie recording

Reading manuals and reviews on the internet is really helpfull.



Again. The spec sheet I've read like 10 times before I even bought the phone. It helped me with the decision of buying this particular device. I wouldn't ask on forums if the question was already in the specifications to this product. Quite obvious, no?

However I found nothing related to my question in this video, I heard something like 'the second camera helps to blur the background in Bokeh mode'. So is it true that there is no possibility to chose from two cameras while shooting, only that the second camera is only here to assist the main one in making the blurry effect in the Bokeh mode? Or am I wrong?
Still hard to believe that such simple kind of question already evolved two paiges on forum.?


@Nazar_Babiak wrote:

Hi Viridis,

And, if you don't know the answer, please don't answer anything, just ignore the topic. Don't advise reading the manual.


No, I think I'll not ignore topics.

Furthermore, if you could refrain from telling people how to use the community, that would be brilliant.

Advice is offered by many people in many forms, one of which is a link to the user manual of the X10 which will clearly describe the secondary lens being used for portrait and bokeh modes (when dual camera is on).

So to end this discussion with a firm and satisfactory answer...

You cannot use the second lens on its own.



''You cannot use the second lens on its own.''
Well thank God. 14 messages and finally an answer to one of the most simple question this community ever witnessed.

The thing is that I've read manuals and all the spec lists before I even registered on the forum. And if the question was there, I wouldn't ask. It says: 'You can take pictures with the Bokeh effect when using the dual camera on your device'. But how do I know if I'm currently using the dual camera mode or not? There is no icon showing this. I just open the default camea app and there's ton of icons but no one to swithc between cameras or to engage two at the same time.

Ofcourse, for the person who bought the dual camera phone for the first time it's natural question: If there is two lenses, how or am I allowed to swith between them?
Then I started looking into the manual... nothing regarding this, just that the second camera is only to assist. Not even the small remark at the bottom with a tiny font saying "You cannot use the second lens on its own". 

Now after 2 weeks I got the answer. Thank you. 


Our team wants to have multiple cameras, however SmartDashboard only allows 2 screens.

I've tried using the following to enable X camera in Y stream, when a button is pressed:

CameraServer -> StartAutomaticCapture("/dev/video1","left")

CameraServer -> StartAutomaticCapture("/dev/video1","right")

CameraServer -> StartAutomaticCapture("/dev/video2","left")


however when I try to use it, it gives the error that the camera is busy. Is there something simple I'm missing? or am I completely wrong? (using C++)