Hi guys,
I only discovered this type of photograph today (must have been living under a rock!) and I was keen to know if it was possible to create one using my wifes new HX9V.
I searched the internet and found that most reviews said that it wasnt possible but I got out her camera and played with it anyway.
If anybody is interested, this is indeed possible. I just went into manual mode and set the camera to bracketing with a setting of + - 1 (I had heard that 2 was best but beggars cant be choosers). Took the camera in the garden and took a quick snap and then downloaded some free software HDRtist for my mac and dropped the 3 pics onto the software. Set the effect to maximum and et voila!
Produced the attached photo in seconds with no effort so I think I will have to pinch my wifes camera for a while and do some more experimenting with this. (second photo is normal taken in auto mode)
Anyway, apologies if you guys already know this, but I couldnt find much info on line and thought that others may also have the same question.