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55XE9305 - Keeps losing FreeView HD channels

55XE9305 - Keeps losing FreeView HD channels

So I'm still a new owner of this TV.

Over the weekend we allowed the digital tuner (attached to an antenna) to find FreeView Channels. It found all of the ones we were expecting it to find and all was well.

Yesterday evening we left the TV unattended while it was showing BBC HD on FreeView, on return we found the message "No signal - check your antenna".

We found that the same message appeared for BBC2 HD, ITV HD, C4 HD & C5 HD. All other HD channels were find. I ran the digital tuner again and it failed to find any of these channels.

Later last night I re-ran the digital tuner once more and it found these channels and we were able to watch them.

Fast forward to this evening, once again TV left on BBC1 HD, returned to find "No Signal, check antenna". Re-tune and we cannot find any of these channels.


According to the FreeView guide we should have good reception on these channels and that is confirmed - once they are found and we can watch them the quality is good, no interfearance etc. However it would appear these channels just vanish.

We have not noticed this issue with an old Samsung and Panasonic TV attached to the same antenna - only appears to be the Soyn TV that is experiencing this problem.


Any ideas?


Hi @StoufferTheCat


Apart from the normal things, check the cable and connectors and any maintenance on your transmitter. Have a look at the signal diagnostics HELP -> Signal diagnostics (bottom row).


i have the same TV and mine are 100/99 but I am only 8 miles from the transmitter.

I suddenly experienced the same thing with a Samsung TV last night.

I ran a re-tune on it, completed and noticed there was no BBC1, BBC2, ITV or C4 HD channels lisgted in the guide. Re-tuned again an hour later and suddenly they were back.

So either transmitter issues or my aerial.


I have a 2015 KD-49X8305C and am currently experiencing the similar behaviour. It started a few weeks back with the HD channels breaking up intermittantly and now today i was getting the no signal message even after numerous retunes. No problems with the antenna reported and I have a samsung upstairs working perfectly. 


One thing i did notice was that when attemting a manual tune, the signal level bar would go from blank to 97-99/100 and back to blank every couple of seconds and the signal quality was permanently blank. That was on channel 58.