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Android 6 (Marshmallow) on 2015/2016 TV's?

Android 6 (Marshmallow) on 2015/2016 TV's?



During CES I heard a news that Sony will bring Android 6 (Marshmallow) to the 2015 TV lineup.

Link with Video

General News about Marshmallow on Android TV's

These news are from January.

Had anyone heard something new about this?

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There's no way to downgrade. Not even for service guys it seems. Otherwise they wouldn't cahnge motherborads on 43" models with no picture. Great example of terrible HW design of a device with OS.


On topic...... this happens to me also but some other apps.

I updated my TV (KDL43W805C ) via USB on day of release, no factory reset and all has been hunky dory...............until yesterday. I turned off the TV via the remote, wandered off in to the kitchen , a couple of minutes later i heard noises from the living room and the tv was on ? . Turned it off again, walked away back to the kitchen , Came back a minute later just to check it and it had rebooted and was on the Android splash screen ??!! Went out last night and came back to the TV being on after having turned it off before going out. Again this morning turned off the TV and i had come back on and on the second turn off it rebooted. I have a 64gb usb connected for recording . 

Until now i have been really happy with the "upgrade" response has been quicker for all the menus and remote.

Just the last 24-48 hrs 





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Hi @petersincock


I thought that issue of the 'TV spontaneously switching on' was resolved 😞


However if memory serves me right, after it happens about 2 or 3 times, it never happens again.  Although there can be other causes for the TV to be switched on - such as another device 'waking up' and switches TV on via HDMI-CEC (Bravia Sync) or DLNA server...


Like anything these days - Factory Reset :slight_smile:



Not applicable

@newbix - @kinggo01 is correct, unfortunately you cannot roll-back the firmware...

Now I have the random power on problem as well. When waking up in the night or morning, the TV is powered on. I have the two Bravia sync power settings to Off, it doesn't help. Third time just occurred. 


Is there some system log on these devices? I would like to check if there is some app of the apps triggering this, because it started a few days ago, and I have installed a number of apps these days. 



Found "The fix is to go to Home>Settings>Network- and turn remote start off. This would apply if you are using the Sony Sideview app with your TV". Will try this and see if it helps! 




I am from UK and have just checked with Sony and they said the update had some issues for some tv so at the moment they stopped the automatic update but will be roolled out before 8th of march. Here is the link I found that provides more information.

8th of march...... I doubt that anything good will come out of that. If true. They postponed european update for 10 weeks after US debacle with MM just to end up with the same debacle.

Or maybe they ment 8th of march 2018 and the promissed nougat update.:smileyrolleyes:

Will the updated release mean I need to update again if already on Marshmallow?

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@gupta16 wrote:



I am from UK and have just checked with Sony and they said the update had some issues for some tv so at the moment they stopped the automatic update but will be roolled out before 8th of march. Here is the link I found that provides more information. 


Hi @gupta16


This is a statement that I have heard a couple of times on these forums.  Whether it is a Sony agent or Forum members mixing things up I do not know - but you/they are mixing up two different issues here.  So I am going to attempt to summarise:


  • The Marshmallow firmware roll-out started on 22nd February via automatically updating the TV or manually through USB downloads.
  • Not everyone will get this pushed automatic download at once - therefore it was stated that "you should receive the update between the 22nd February - 8th March."
  • On the 2nd March - Sony puts a 'hold' on the rollout of Marshmallow - which means the previous date of completion (i.e. 8 March) no longer holds true.


Hence what I am referring to above is that someone is mixing the two up.  At current it is not known when the roll-out will resume or whether it will be a totally new firmware version that everyone will need to download. 



I'm hoping they bring out a new update asap. After what happend in the US and now here one would think Sony

devs knew what they was doing. But it seams not.