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Android 6 (Marshmallow) on 2015/2016 TV's?

Android 6 (Marshmallow) on 2015/2016 TV's?



During CES I heard a news that Sony will bring Android 6 (Marshmallow) to the 2015 TV lineup.

Link with Video

General News about Marshmallow on Android TV's

These news are from January.

Had anyone heard something new about this?

964 REPLIES 964
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Hi guys


I know that emotions are running high at this present time - but can I please request that before you post, just take the time to 'pause' and reflect - each one of us are at different levels in our technical skills, added to general frustrations with the issues currently ongoing and then you can see it is easy to mis-interpret what the meaning of a reply was.



I've never had to try what you're describing. I format the usb on a tablet or phone and watch movies from the usb on the tv via kodi. I've never had any need to format as internal storage on the tv. I know you and others are saying formatting as internal storage by the tv is faulty and I'm saying others have said that process works fine (and it has for my brother too)  There's no need to be pointlessly aggressive about it either.

And my grandma formatted as internal storage and is experiencing the same issue.

Sony should ask Cryogen to do the firmware. It's abvious who ever is doing the android for our TVs hasn't got a clue what they are doing.


This will be the last Sonly product I will ever buy.


how is pointing out confirmed faults by me and others pointlessly aggressive? I'll scream as long as they are not fixed. If we don't complain then they definitelly won't be fixed. I get that yours and others usage patterns are different than mine but a bug is a bug. And all USB related ones came with MM.

Because you're being aggressive to me not Sony. And as we both know, there's no point screaming at Sony as they don't seem to show any interest in these forums at all. Btw my hdd usb has started to be not recognized by the tv so my experience isn't perfect either.


Btw my hdd usb has started to be not recognized by the tv so my experience isn't perfect either.


Welcome to Sony's MM world.

@Quinnicus wrote:

Hi guys


I know that emotions are running high at this present time - but can I please request that before you post, just take the time to 'pause' and reflect - each one of us are at different levels in our technical skills, added to general frustrations with the issues currently ongoing and then you can see it is easy to mis-interpret what the meaning of a reply was.



I agree entirely... @Anonymous but this needs careful management.. can you direct me / us to the list of known issues with MM, what Sony are doing to rectify them, and when the updated software will be available?

I have 'paused' and 'reflected' before posting this. And what I requested is what we all should expect from a responsible multinational company. Sony need to come clean and not keep us in the dark. Please pass this desperate message on to Sony management. Such a positive response would reduce people's frustrations immensely.

Product is is Sony 2015 KDL 43W805C Android TV, UK Model with YouView, purchased Sept 2015.
Not applicable

Hi @frogger38


List of known issues:


What are Sony doing to rectify them - Fixing them


When will the updated software be available - Sometime in the future.




I know this is a BS answer - but to be honest, Sony are very rubbish with communications.  As a technology company, they have not embraced modern communication technologies and trends with social media.  Sony do not understand how social media works in regards to how fast consumers react to complaining about problems. Before Sony release statements, they have to go through various departments and management before its released - all this takes time, even then it just takes one person to reject and its back to square one. 


Over my time on these forums Sony Europe is begining to embrace it - however it is ultimately Sony Japan where the power and authority lies - and hence in my opinion where the problem is.


I will pass on your post to my contacts as an example of the current situation and frustrations with the lack of infomation coming from them.

Have any of you folk with genuine problems tried contacting Sony via their official twitter feed ? When I (and others) had problems in the fairly recent past I found that Sony were very quick to reply. Keep it to the point (lol, as if... it is Twitter) and state as simply as possible what problem has happened to you since the update. They may just say to come and post here, but it gets the message out there non the less.