Android TV - WiFi and Ethernet Issues

Not applicable

Android TV - WiFi and Ethernet Issues

Hi All


I have noticed that there are some people reporting issues with network connectivity.


Please reply back in this thread with your issue.  Please also list your tv model and all relevent information.



205 REPLIES 205

having the network issues to, using network cable and get no internet every few days. Have to reset my router to get network back.  So annoying, was fine before the 6.0 update.,


Manually set the date and time. That's what fixed my issues

Sent from my mobile

thanks, will try it tonight

The manual time setting did not work. I still loose ethernet connection after a few days. Only a reset of the router brings it back.  (BT SmartHub 6)


Any other advice fixes?

Not applicable

Hi there @psp888


Can you try setting the DNS servers on the TV to:

  • Primary:
  • Secondary:


You will need to set a static IP address on the TV and manually configure the network settings in order to do this.


If that still fails - factory reset the TV completely.  You never know :slight_smile:





I tried setting the dns to /, but then I don't get any internet connection as they are not valid DNS host.


I have not set it to static IP, see if that helps, if not I will try facotry reset.  Thanks



I've bought a KDL-50W755C on may 2016. The firmware is the latest by now (3.885)

I always had lack of connection due to my router which is quite far away.

I recently buy a wifi access point (linksys AC 1200) which is mounted 10m front the tv (it's linked to my router).


I've got two wifi ssid : one for the 2.4 Ghz and one for the 5 Ghz.

- 2.4 Ghz - Network mode B/G/N mixed - channel 6 (2.437 Ghz)

-    5 Ghz - Network mode A/N/AC mixed - channel 48 (5.240 Ghz)



Here's the problem :


I've made some speed test on the two wifi frequencies with my laptop, my tablet, my smartphone and my tv.


I use application and webpage.


I've got always the same result for the laptop/tablet/smartphone :

2.4 Ghz - Download : +- 54Mbps / Upload : +- 13 Mbps

   5 Ghz - Download : +-89 Mbps / Upload : +- 13 Mbps (that the maximum authorised by my internet provider)


For the TV : the speed is much slower than other devices!

2.4 Ghz (channel 6) - Download : +- 10Mbps / Upload : +- 7 Mbps

  5 Ghz (channel 48)- Download : +- 10Mbps / Upload : +- 7 Mbps


For the record :

2.4 Ghz (other channel than 1,6,11) - Download : +- 0.6Mbps / Upload : +- 13 Mbps  (< 1 Mbps in download !!!)


What's wrong with the wifi receiver of my android TV ?

How is it possible to have so much differencies between the TV and the other devices ?


Last precision :

I'm living in the country side. There is no other wifi network except mine.

During the speed test, I physically put the laptop/tablet/smartphone just in front of the tv then remove them when testing the TV


Thanks for your support.

I bought two Sony Bravia KD49X830C tvs less than 12 months ago and they both keep dropping the wifi connection. Once the connection has dropped it's not easy to reconnect. The set up wizard just says - 'unable to establish connection' or somerthing similar.


We keep trying to reconnect every couple of days, and it will reconnect and some stage, but inevitably drops out again within a week or so.

Yeah me to , I've got a kd55xd9305 and after about a month of ownership my router started playing up,  I worked it out to be the TV,  and I watched the statistics on my router (how many KB/S and coming and going in) and what a shock it went up as high as 3gb/s for 1 second sent and received which is'nt possible but that's what the router says ???. And then the router just stops working. I've done 3 factory resets and a few soft resets, to no avail. And to really ***** me off  i have an str-dn1070 amp that likes to turn it's self on at night. and sometimes turn it's self on to Spotify and start turning the volume up. So I'm not a happy Sony customer at the moment.

Hi Vlnazoiz,


It seems we are experiencing very same issue. Sony Bravia xe8577 connects to my WiFi router upon which it normally reaches ~30 Mbps for download and ~30-35 Mbps on upload side. Due to unknown glitch, download speed occasionally drops to a very charasteristic value of ~0.6-0.7 Mbps and never goes up again until subsequent restart. Distance to the WiFi router is about 5 meters (16 ft.). Channel 1.


Something is clearly wrong either with WiFi unit or its driver.


Sony engineers - would you please take a look at the issue before we all give up and switch to another brand?


PS. it takes minutes to reproduce the issue; I was sometimes able to induce it by checking WiFi status with help of IP Tools application I installed from Google Play Store.