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Connection to ag9 oled

Connection to ag9 oled

How is it best to connect multiple device to the tv or do you just connect the sound bar to the tv then does it play all audio that comes from the blu-ray and other devices.   
can you use separate hdmi leads or can you go from device to device 

Sky to tv Hdmi

blu-ray to tv hdmi

then tv to ht-g700 sound bar  hdmi 

thanks mark 


Further to the previous answer, it depends on whether or not your soundbar supports eARC or just basic ARC. You need eARC at both ends to get Dolby Atmos, etc. My soundbar only supports basic ARC but it can pass through the 4K HDR signal from the Bluray to the AG9 TV. So I’ve connected the HDMI output of the Blu-ray to the HDMI input of the soundbar. I then run an HDMI from the ARC output of the soundbar to the ARC connection of the TV. That way, the soundbar gets the full uncompressed audio and the TV gets the Blu-ray video. The other devices can be connected to the TV’s HDMI ports and their sound will go through the eARC to the soundbar.