
HDMI 3 Arc Input

Quick post before I send TV back as faulty just to make sure.

Bought an A8 about month ago. Plugged into a Denon Receiver via eArc. Been working fine with all inputs. Went to turn on tonight. Nothing. TV not picking up Sky, DVD, PS4. Swapped HDMI cable. No change.


Plugged sky box directly into TV. Nothing. TV just not picking up any signal. Plugged Amp and Sky box into different HDMI port on TV. Nothing. Soft reset TV. Factory reset TV. No change.

Looks to me like fault with TV but not sure what. 

Any suggestions before I ring up and send.back under warranty. Thought it might be Amp but don't get signal when I take it out the equation.

Thanks in advance





Your post confuses me a little. What does ‘nothing’ look like?


No sound? No picture? Complete denial by the TV that there is anything connected to the HDMI port?


What do you mean by “don’t get signal” when you disconnect the amp?


I mean, this is all wrong; Sony don’t demand that you plug anything into their TVs to have them work, except maybe an aerial of some sort.


So disconnect all inputs, including the amp, except the terrestrial aerial. Power cycle the TV. Do you get anything at all from the broadcast channels?


Does the TV work for apps, such as the BBC iPlayer?


Then plug in one piece of kit - the DVD player for preference, as that has the least to go wrong - into one of the HDMI inputs. Power cycle the TV and the DVD player.


Does this now work? If not, does it work in any other of the HDMI inputs?


If not, (and if you are absolutely sure the DVD player and HDMI cable work, by trying them on a different TV, say) it looks like your HDMI inputs are fried, and the TV will indeed have to go back. Even if terrestrial and catchup worked, as tested above.


Any different outcome (no terrestrial, no smart apps, DVD player now works with the TV), please report back, as the diagnostic tree spreads its branches wide from this point, and we will need to prune a few.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Thanks for your response. The TV is displaying a message saying that it cannot detect an Input. Same message with and without amp.


I only have one HDMI cable Amp to TV which I have swapped to check if cable was faulty My TV source is Sky Q which I have plugged in directly to TV. Still no signal. Same for DVD and PS4. Also tried other HDMI ports on TV. Cannot get TV to pick up a signal.

Apps work fine. Obviously have to use TV speakers rather than speaker's.

All very odd as TV only month old and was all working perfectly from set up. 

Initially was not sure if it was TV or other equipment. But tests I have done so far seem to point to HDMI connection on TV. But how likely is it that they all fail?



If you Google for ‘total failure of all HDMI ports’, you will see a few similar reports. I guess all the HDMI inputs have to come together somewhere, as there is but a single path to the screen, and your failure is likely there, rather than in the ports themselves.


A suggestion I don’t know if you have tried is to disconnect all the input from the set, pull the mains plug out of its socket on the wall, and wait - variously reported as one minute, two minutes, fifteen minute, or even an hour.


That fixed a problem I had with a Samsung TV, albeit not with HDMI ports, but nothing short of this draining of all the electrons worked.


Any lightning strikes nearby recently? That can fry things, even without a direct hit.


And apparently, DVDs can be more demanding on cables than BluRay. Who knew? But I don’t think that is your problem here.


Try the mains holiday, if you haven’t already.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Had not tried the power off option. Given it a go. Left for 5 mins. But still same issue. Logged a call with Sony support. After chatting to you and googling found this

Does seem to be issue with HDMI board. I'm normally good at troubleshooting and your initial response confirmed that I had tried most things. Was struggling to come to terms with fact it could be the brand new TV!

Will report back once I have had engineer visit.

Thanks for your assistance




Good spot, that thread.


Yes, I couldn’t add much to what you had already tried, except maybe a very ‘clean’ demonstration to isolate the problem and display it unambiguously.


Do please let us know if you get it fixed, and how.

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Quick update

Got hold of Sony this morning. They asked me about all troubleshooting steps which I have been through most of which are above. Only thing I didn't check was Firmware. TV said it was up to date but according to Sony there was a newer version. 

So went through hassle of downloading via web and putting it on a USB stick. Make sure if you ever have to do this you reformat or use fresh stick. Otherwise it doesn't work.


After updating Firmware problem still exists so Sony going to send engineer hopefully this week who will swap it out.


This is my second OLED from Sony in 2 years and each one had to be returned for a fault which is concerning. Previous one was due to dead pixel.


Despite this can't fault their Customer Service. Anyway, should have a new TV by the end of the week.


Thanks to @royabrown2 for his assistance


Further update.

Sony going to swap PCB apparently not the TV! Told them that I was unhappy with that solution for a 4 week old TV. Long story short told them if they were not prepared to do an exchange then they could collect the set and provide a refund.

It's being collected next week. Very sad outcome I must say. Sony CS usually so good.

Anyway. Off to buy another new TV. Sadly won't be Sony. Third time lucky!