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KD-55XD8005 Judder/Flicker issues playing games


KD-55XD8005 Judder/Flicker issues playing games

Hi guys, I just bought my new KD-55XD8005, and I'm very disappointed with the game performance, even in fast paced action movies scenes...


I've tried all settings, motionflow, etc.. The game I play the most is FIFA 17 on my Xbox One S, and its terrible when the camera moves fast after a Goal Kick, all the players get mixed with the background and sometimes the screen flicks, its worse than the ghosting I had on my samsung 1080p...


I've recorded a video testing it, the first part its in custom mode wih motionFlow on (adding the terrible SOAP OPERA effect), the second part its GAME mode without motionflow (terrible).


Can someone help me? Im almost returning this tv...



Uploaded by Luciano Gaube on 2016-11-20.
Not applicable

Hi there


The TV should be set to GAME mode.  I noticed that you are using 2160p as a resolution - do you have an adequate HDMI cable, rated for 18Gbps?


It could also be the simple case of the Xbox One S upscaling 1080p content (or lower) - do you get this when using 1080p instead?


Also, ensure that your TV has the latest firmware installed, and then do a factory reset - as it can clear many issues.




Hey there, 


yes, im using GAME mode, Im using the HDMI cable that came with XBOX one S, should be good, right?


I tried to lower the resolution and got the same issue, I will try a factory reset, I think this will be the last try haha




I found this video from KS7000, and its the same thing that happens on my XD8005