KE-48A9 recording failure effects


KE-48A9 recording failure effects

I have a 1TB SSD that recorder registers as 931gb free 

There is nothing in my recording list 

there is nothing in the reminder list

there is 0 recordings


the tv records a random channel every day @ 19:47 ending 20:47 

the recording errors and produces 20 + entries in the recording error list 

these errors cannot be deleted (attempt produces an error) 


when this occurs the digital channels fail 

they cannot be changed via any means ( choices from epg or up down remote select)  


prior to this time ( I assume on change of day) they work fine from you view or free view guides 


I have factory reset tv to no change

i have deregisted and re registered hdd to no effect


any ideas from the hive minds on this?

Community Team

Hey Renrut, this is a user based community, so if you need to contact Sony directly you should contact them using the details:

Regarding your issue, I would say it needs to be inspected, so far the issue related to the TV persists even after software update and factory data reset. 

But you may contact them first.

So no nearer then 😞


It seems a very unusual issue to me and it looks like you will have to contact Sony as @HannahEd01 suggests. I can't really think of anything else you could realistically do.


Not applicable

As a last effort regarding this one, format the HDD itself on a PC/laptop, not the TV. 
And check it's format first, whether it's FAT 32 or something else, then give it another go. 
Cause if there's any files at all on the unit it will never work, and a TV format might not clean it like a PC would do, cheers.

I have removed the hdd completely (de-registered and unplugged from tv) did a factory reset to essentially tell the tv it was new out the box. 

but the problem still persists


wherever the ghost recording is placed in some sort of internal database along with the error list for that recording app, a reset doesn’t clear it 


I even immediately after factory reset cleared the app data and cache to no effect - the tv still swapped channel to channel 39 at 19:47 and then produced 20 errors and prevented any terrestrial channel displaying 


I’m stumped

I'm just thinking crazy off the wall thoughts now...


Never heard of this at all...... nutz I know but is there any way that the TV when you set it up initially is linked to say your Google account or some other Cloud account that any timer info is also uploaded to?


What if you do a factory reset but do not set any of the WiFi stuff up. Use it as a non Smart TV with no internet access from the very beginning.


Also when you do your Factory Reset are you disconnecting ALL external devices before the reset?


I'm stumped too...

Ummm that is a strategy I haven’t tried 


do another factory reset and don’t connect to Wi-Fi 


I will report back on that one 👍


regarding attached devices 

the only attached device is a Bluetooth sender from the optical out. I would think this an out only device so no affect on any of the symptom experienced. 

Fyi - the tv did it’s trick again today and I note that all other apps work fine. Eg iPlayer uTube etc.   




Nothing connected to a TOSLINK (optical out) would affect anything as it is as you say purely an optical output, but anything connected to any other port conceivably could.


Worth trying with the WiFi off.

Yeah- no other connections- ever and just to reiterate I have de-registered the disk and removed it completely (plus cable)


still persists😱🫤


now thinking about warranty replacement 🤔

I'm out of ideas now I'm afraid. I can't think of anything else in the normal scheme of things that you could possibly try although I do wonder what would happen if you tried to flash the firmware from USB this time rather than the over air method. Doing it via USB is the way I have always done mine simply because I like control of when and what it does. The 'Downloads' page for your model will have the file and instructions. 


Now in theory I'm guessing that if the firmware matches what is currently installed then it will not do anything but you just don't know...... would it rewrite the firmware as if it were simply updating to a different version... dunno.


Flashing the firmware is easy to do but I would add the caution that doing this is 'at your own risk', however if I was faced with this issue it would be the final thing I might try.

I agree flashing the firmware may replace existing and maybe cure the problem but it is a last resort operation for me. 

I’m going to contact Sony tech now (hopefully) on 020 7365 2810 - this number was given to me by John Lewis Tech who said warranty didn’t cover software faults (say whhhhhhat) 


I’ve jumped on a merry-go-round me thinks 😵💫😱