problem scart AV1

I have an android tv non 4k kdl-50k755c


Cable box is connected by scart to AV1


On occasion when I start the tv the screen is blank on AV1

The home screen or netflix works fine.


The problem can be cleared by a power cycle or a restart from the about menu.

This is a pain.


The tv is allowed to do updates and is up to date.


Please advise

Not applicable

Hi there


In regards to this problem and your other problem HERE, my advice is to replace the SCART cable with another one of sufficient quality and see if that works.


In the long run though, you may want to contact your cable provider and get them to replace your cable box that has a HDMI connection instead of SCART.  SCART is all but dead.  Besides SCART does not support HD resolution.



Yes Quinnicus is right.

Check your cable for proper fit both sides, TV and cable box or replace cable with good quality and Full SCART specifications.

Sometimes even if you see pin No8 on plugs, there is not an internal cable connection to power on and give proper voltage for aspect ratio. This is also the main pin that gets oxidation (corrosion) because of voltage(up to 12 Volts) and humidity.

Another thing to check inside cable box settings is an output option. See if it is set to Auto or disabled. Select 16:9 or 4:3. This might work


I appreciate that scart is a old tech but that's what I have.


For more info.


This only started happening on the tv after a firmware upfate a couple of weeks ago.


The fact that a reset of the tv fixes this black screen on the tv suggests a bug in the operating system of the tv to me.


On the other problem with the sound bar the bar has sound coming out of it even if slghtly lower volume as the volume is tunred down from the cable box.


Even though the sound bar is playing sound it shuts down power as if it has not seen an input for 10 minutes, again this suggests incorrect operation of the sound bar to me rather than anything to do with a scart lead that is not even connected to the sound bar.


This should be very easy from Sony to test. I am based in Ireland in case the firmware is regional.