PVR functionality


PVR functionality

I got a 55xf9005 a few days ago. Among the fine characteristics it carries, I was interested in PVR function.

Seeing though how limited functionality it has, I felt a letdown.

I have a legacy Sony DVD recorder (RDRHXD1070), whish is extremely superior in functionality - costing just a fraction of the TV.


So, what I 'd like to see:


An A-B erase function, so one can at least delete irrelevant parts at start and end. Very ideally, also in middle. This would make recordings much more pleasant and save on GBs - a lot. There is no infringement of DRM here, nor unlocking of content.


Set a "genre" to recordings, so as to facilitate going through recordings once they get quite many.

Include an x2 speed step when forwarding, so one can watch boring parts of a film - retaining subtitles too.

Since there is a twin tuner, use them to record overlapping recordings in two chanels. Of course restricting viewing to chanels recorded.


Find above fair requests?


Hi panlask,


Makes sense! 




I am not sure that Sony even watches the community for feedback, but I sent an Email to customer service.

Only thing to do.


If consumers were used to a better product (like own Sony DVDR mentioned above) and there was demand, there sure would be improvement.



In fact, in the remote case the file name is not correct due to EPG / start time of recording. there is not even an option to rename the files.

So, utterly basic things.



You know what the real problem is, in Japan video recorders still exist and TVs can afford to be limited DVRs / PVRs. Unfortunately, we always want to eliminate devices to have a few that do more things but a device that does more things maybe it is not said that it does them all right.



@panlask  ha scritto:

I got a 55xf9005 a few days ago. Among the fine characteristics it carries, I was interested in PVR function.

Seeing though how limited functionality it has, I felt a letdown.

I have a legacy Sony DVD recorder (RDRHXD1070), whish is extremely superior in functionality - costing just a fraction of the TV.


So, what I 'd like to see:


An A-B erase function, so one can at least delete irrelevant parts at start and end. Very ideally, also in middle. This would make recordings much more pleasant and save on GBs - a lot. There is no infringement of DRM here, nor unlocking of content.


Set a "genre" to recordings, so as to facilitate going through recordings once they get quite many.

Include an x2 speed step when forwarding, so one can watch boring parts of a film - retaining subtitles too.

Since there is a twin tuner, use them to record overlapping recordings in two chanels. Of course restricting viewing to chanels recorded.


Find above fair requests?

Those requests make sure sense, but you have to remember that RDR-HXD1070 was a machine dedicated to that while for your TV it is only an added and basic feature.

Moreover, the RDRHXD1070 was not costing a fraction of your new TV: it was a very good piece of technology (you forget to remember that it is even able to understand where the advertising is and tag it so that you can skip it via chapter forward) but it was worth at least 400 EUR at the time (I own an RDR HDX870 myself that I paid 330 EUR in 2007 with a 160GB HDD), while your TV can be found for 1000 EUR on the market.

BTW the "secondary features" you requested are already in there: genre is set if your broadcaster set it in the EPG (this is not the case in Italy unfortunately and probably the same in Greece), you can go forward and backward at various speed and subtitles are in there (if any in the original recording) as well as multiple audio tracks. The twin tuner unfortunately is used only to let you see another program while the tv is recording.


I don't argue that 1070 was a cheap machine. It cost almost half the TV.

And I did not ask for the entire functionality.

Just basic things, like A-B erase, set genre and rename file.

Correct, Greece does not have genre by EPG....


And it's just minor effort to offer, so western models really should have it.

Sine recorders are more or less obsolete here. Maybe not in Japan....

Maybe they want to discourage archiving free films, when you can pay for subscriber services?


I have reverted to customer support with the following. Not that I expect really anything, but customers should demand what's fair.


It is very frequent to record by EPG and instead of naming the resulting file to what was selected, to name erroneously as the previous show.

The start time was as of EPG program, no set time to start before. Only setting is to end +10 minutes after – so, this is not the culprit.


And there is absolutely no rename option for the resulting file – under Action Menu.


I wonder, how much lower functionality can we get?

So, please restate my request and form this feedback I need an answer from your side if any of those issues will be addressed.


  1. Plain file rename option under Action Menu
  2. Possibility to truncate – delete part of recording (AB erase), at least in start / end of recording, ideally middle parts
  3. Player functionality to become similar with the built in Video player
  4. Set a "genre" to recordings, so as to facilitate going through recordings once they get quite many


None of the above are infringing DRM / rights, none are video enhancement / editing – save maybe for the simple AB erase.


Me myself I agree with all your request, but remember that those are new feature requests not issues, so as such I assume they will be managed by Sony. The worst case I see is that they will take them as a good improvement and implement them maybe in new products so leaving you just more angry :wink:


Hi panlask,


I see where you're coming from here. I can pass your suggestions to Sony for possible future implementation.

