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Sony tv´s sends out optical signal when turned off, and kills music in the soundbar.

Sony tv´s sends out optical signal when turned off, and kills music in the soundbar.

Just wanted to inform about a Sony tv problem that almost killed my patience to a fantastic product.

I have two similar Sony tv´s. One of them is connected to a Bluesound Soundbar. The last six months I have been working with the BlueSound support crew to find out why the soundbar stopped playing music, until today, where I found out that the Sony tv sends out a signal through the optical cable, even though it is turned off. So when the tv send a signal through, the soundbar stopped playing music, because it thougt the tv was starting to broadcast sound.


Disabling the optical Auto Sense input on the Bluesound soundbar, or removing the optical cable, did the work. But why in the hell does the tv sends out a signal, when it is turned off. Stupid.


Hello @Gotfar,


have you tried unplugging the TV instead of the optical cable? You could also get a seperate "switch" where just the TV is plugged in to combat this.


- Nic

Hi, yes I have tried that. After I discovered this issue by my self, I contacted my provider HiFi klubben, and they told me that they also disvovered this problem recently from Sony Tv. Not only with Bluesound soundbar but other soundbars as well, as Sonos. The turned off Sony tv sends out a signal, which makes the soundbars think the tv starts broadcasting. I have two similar Sony tv's and they create the same problem.