Xperia c3 blinking home screen


Xperia c3 blinking home screen

I just bought my Xperia C3 last night and i bought an sd card as well. I went home and personalize my phone then all of a sudden it restarted by itself. After, i tried using an app and it's still working so i continue insatalling other app, i did change my wallpaper then i press the power button, it turned the screen off so im trying to turn it back on, and the button is not working. I pressed it 3sec it came on blinking home screen, i can't touch anything so turned it off then after few minutes, i turned it back on, same thing. I dont know what happened really, i just bought the phone. Is this a known issue about xperia c3?

Thanks jake!

Guys just hold the power button and volume up button and see Wether blink screen stops by doing this my issue was been resolved when once this happened with me

No worries Samantha, anytime Slightly_smiling_Face


I bought my Xperia C3 2 days ago..ok so i am facing the same BLINKING PROBLEM just like many other users.i just inserted my sim card it worked well the very first day and then the second day while using i changed the wallpaper i pressed the power button, screen was off  then i tried to to turn it back on, but it didnt  work ... the whole screen went black .i also tried with (POWER BUTTON & +VOLUME KEY)  in  one click and this is what i am getting ..."blinking  and during its blinking " it VIBRATES as well .. radio , phone calls and texts notifications are seen but it wont allow to touch any icon on the  home screen ..i removed the sim card and tried this POWER BUTTON & +VOL KEY thing  for like 4 -5 times nothing happened...same blinking... please help me get this problem solved.


Hi, my phone did restart by itself while im not using it or while im using it and after that it will blue screen after optimize the apps. When its done optimize, still the same. Blue screen. Help me

This happened and it works by clicking the power and volume up button together for few seconds, the phone vibrates with the blue blinking light turned into red. After a second a fully charged battery icon showed up and I just restart by pressing the power button!