Xperia C4 power ic problem


Xperia C4 power ic problem


Purchased my Xperia C4 before 1.5 years back.   I am facing problem of power off anytime if phone get jerk or move.   

It starts also by diagonally mould phone and runs for 5-6 days normal as other phone.   But under one condition that phone should handle very softly.   If you move it or put it into pocket.  It will switch off.  Again same process to follow to mould diagonally to start. 

I went to service centre.  They know the problem of Power Ic on motherboard which slightly loses contact with battery power supply but as they don't repair it, they have given me estimate of 10000/- for changing motherboard.  

Obviously I denied because now a days you get 4G VOLTE smartphone in 12000/-. 

I am running this device in this condition since two months.    Phone has no other issue.  

I am using SONY since 2002 starting from TV, LCD,  LAPTOP,  CAMERA etc.  No problem in any of these.   I have purchased Xperia Z1 prior to C4.  It also became unused as Liquid damage.  Sony service centre estimated its repair cost 22000/- huhh.   I was suggesting people to go for Sony.   Now I can't even speak about it,  silly. 

Again little problem but can't repair by Sony.  If anyone knows solution.  

Phone running smoothly if not get any jerk. 

Thanks and Regards, 

Hitesh Harsora. 



I'm sorry to hear about your issue but the motherboard is indeed the most expensive part of a phone, as you can see, it will cost you almost the same as a new phone.

I'm assuming that you dropped the phone multiple times.


I know that it cost same as new but why to spend if you can repair it.   If T5 Tube light is working good in your home and suddenly it stopped working because of lose wiring connection problem then will any repairer suggest to change it or repair it.  Thats the difference 

I'm replying with same device without any issues.  There is something lose between power and board that's it. 

Thanks for your effort and attention.