Xperia C5 Ultra Dual after Lollipop 5.1 Update

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Xperia C5 Ultra Dual after Lollipop 5.1 Update

Hi, after update in this section gone 4G link, maybe someone know how to add it or possible to add and ect? If no maybe is bug? Very was useful link. thanks in advance.



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YoGem maybe can, but i can't. I know that need add in notification area, but in the list isn't 4G or LTE like is on yr pic. In Lollipop 5.0 was, after update to Lollipop 5.1 is gone. By the way u using Xpria C5 Ultra Dual with Lolipop 5.1?


@YoGem The option is there, you're right! Thank you, I was being blind. This was on 6.0 though.

@Unregistered user, Unfortunately, I don't have a C5 on 5.1.1 to test with here. You don't see it at all under the edit (pencil) option?

If it is still missing my solution would stand where you would require a widget, but as @YoGem has pointed out it should be there.


@euphorics, no. I don't have the dual but I have the Xperia C5 with Lollipop 5.1, you just swipe down twice the notification area, just right after the battery you'll see a pencil - press that, it's to edit the notification area.. then swipe left and right to find the LTE/4G icon and just drop it to an empty space...

... I don't really want to think that the dual is different from the single sim!

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CameronT Xperia C5 Ultra (Dual too) got Lollipop 5.1 (not 5.1.1) so in notification area near others icons LTE/4G isn't Slightly_smiling_Face

YoGem Yes i agree with u Xperia C5 Ultra and Dual versions i think is the same versions. Differents is that Dual have two nano sim card, single version - one and how i mentioned some time ago single versions getting update first (but i'm not sure) Slightly_smiling_Face So must be the same in single and dual versions all things, but in notification area how i mentioned before 4G/LTE isn't icon Slightly_smiling_Face I know how to do that icons in notification area, coz i did that on Lollipop 5.0 Slightly_smiling_Face

By the way i wanted to do screenshot of area place, but i couldn't, why? Impossible after update to do screenshot of notification area? Screenshot i can do just for place where are all apps and ect. But in Lollipop 5.0 i could do screenshot of notification area too, after update i can't Slightly_smiling_Face

By the way i quickly reset factory settings and still icon 4G/LTE is missing. I think it can be software bug or after update to Lolillopo 5.1 Sony deciced to remove this icon.

Here is list of icons which i can add:

1.  Airplane mode

2.  Auto-rotate

3.  Flashlight

4.  Auto-sync data

5.  Roaming

6.  Stamina

7.  Screen mirroring

8.  Hotspot

9.  Throw

10. Wifi

11. Bluetooth

12. Location

13. Nfc

14. Mobile data

That's all, so 4G/LTE is missing Slightly_smiling_Face

UPDATED: I connected with Sony Mobile support center, they also can't find icon, how i understood Sony just missed 4G/LTE icon, it's registrated how i understood.

YoGem, maybe u can add this icon in Lollipop 5.0 version? In this version i could add too, but in Lollipop 5.1 is gone this icon. Or after update between single and dual version is different now - 4G/LTE icon Slightly_smiling_Face

I push that solution is solved, that problem is fixed, coz guys from Sony support center registrated it, how i understood. But if someeone have the same problem and solved somehow please write here. Thanks in advance Winking_Face


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