FDR-AX53 filenumbering


FDR-AX53 filenumbering

I'm using the 4K image setting and I have set the numbering to "Series" = "Sequential numbers are assigend"

According to the manual the numbering of the files should continnue from the previous number even if I change the to a new memory card.

I have now read the manual seerval tiems and tried serval times with changing the memory card but it starts from number 1 if the card is empty or continnue with next number based on the files that are on the card.

Any suggestion of what is wrong?

Not applicable

I guess this might be related to the type of card being used itself? Maybe if you're not using a Sony recommended/certified cards it's not gonna work. 
Cause I know that most people are using SanDisk, even though Sony is saying that they don't guarantee nor recommend them. 


Thanks for your comment.

I'm using Sonys own best memory cards (TOUGH, 64 GB,300/299, 10, 3,V90).

On the other hand I do not think that the intelligens to numbering the files are set in the memorycards as you are encoureaged to format the cards before use. I've been in contact with support i SE that recomended to make a reset of the camera,make sure that I had the latest software, remove battery for a time, format cards,  test both options for numbering (Serie-Reset)  without any result. The camera continue to number the files from the previous one in the card. 

I assume that the default setting should be "SERIE" and the intenition is that the nubering shall continnue to "C9999" (C0001) . The reset I think is just to start over from 0.


I think... Only for MP4 Video's.
Community Team

Hey gorkul, at this point you need to confirm with Sony that you tried the steps, and it didn't work, for them to let you know what's normal and what's not. Let us know what they say, as I'm curious :grin:


Hi, after being on a holiday where we used 3 cards (2 Sony original an one other) I noted that the numbering worked on all pictures i.e. it continnued with with next number in the serie of the pictures on all 3 cards. I then contacted Sony support about my findings. The answer I got from the technichians via customer service was that I should hand in the camera to a service point. I insisted in my opinion that this is a software problem related to the file format and not a hardware problem and suggested that they should test the numbering themselves on a cemera from stock but the answer I got was to send it in which I will not do!

I also claimed about another problem that I found about the date and time of the file. 

The date and time that shows on the files imported to my computer via Play Memories are not in the correct way in windows explorer. 

We changed the time zoon on the camera and the result was following.

The feild "Date" and "Media Creation" showed the original time set in the camera and the field  "Last Changed" showed the updated timezoon. 
I claimed that this also was a sofware issue but got the same answer to send it in for service.   

Not applicable

I'd say it's your camera and you can decide whatever you want, but I do stand with the opinion that the camera might need to be inspected mate.